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SoftICE* by:

NuMega Technologies
9 Townsend West
Nashua, NH 0306
Tel:  800-4-NUMEGA (800-468-6342 or 603-578-8400)
Fax:  603-578-8401

Tool: SoftICE*
Category: Application Development: Compilers/Debuggers
SoftICE for Windows* 95 and SoftICE for Windows NT* - the Advanced Windows Debuggers, now support Intel's MMXTM technology with a register display, and assembly/disassembly of the 57 new MMX instructions. SoftICE is a system-level tool that gives developers great debugging power, control and visibility into the depths of the Windows operating systems. With support for MMX technology, developers can now use SoftICE to build more powerful multimedia applications which take advantage of the MMX instruction set.

Key Pentium® II processor features/performance benefit
Features Benefits
Disassemble MMX instructions Debug while looking directly at MMX instructions
MMX technology registers window See the MMX technology registers displayed in the flat register model rather than as the floating point registers
Product and Contact Information
Availability of Product Contact
Windows 95 version 3.0 currently available
Windows NT version 3.0 currently available
Tel: 800-4-NUMEGA (800-468-6342 or 603-578-8400)
Fax: 603-578-8401
European Contact: Peter Huish, European Sales Manager
UK phone: +44 (0) 118 9253 253

26 August 1997

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation